About Us
Economic Research Foundation (ERF) is a non-profit trust registered in New Delhi in January 2001. The purpose of the ERF is to conduct research in the field of economics and social issues, public policy, international economic affairs, and other current affairs, and to disseminate the results of such research and analysis through various means including through websites and face-to-face interactions.
ERF has been granted tax exempt status under Section 80G (5) of the Income Tax Act from 2001 onwards by the Income Tax Department. The ERF has (as of 2005) also received blanket FCRA clearance from the Home Ministry, Government of India, for the receipt of funds from abroad for its activities. This permission was renewed again for five years in 2016. Annual accounts are prepared and regularly audited each year by external auditors as well as by the Government of India, since it grants FCRA clearance.
Since its inception in 2001, the ERF has received funding from the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva (UNRISD); the United Nations Development Programme, New York (UNDP); United Nations Children’s Fund, New York (UNICEF); Ford Foundation, New York; Ministry of International Co-operation, Government of Netherlands; HIVOS, The Netherlands; State Government of Madhya Pradesh, India; State Government of West Bengal, India; Action Aid; IDRC Canada.
Contact Us
Economic Research Foundation
104 Munirka Enclave
Nelson Mandela Marg
New Delhi 110 067. INDIA
Phone: +91 11-26168791 / 43536350
Email: erfdelhi@gmail.com